first thing first I am girl and turning 25 soon. In the middle of my 20's..... what can i say. I haven't been achieve most of my dream yet. hopefully before I encounter wifey/hubbiee life I was already a successful women. amin amin amin
I am a family person! I put my family first above anything in this world. I 'm definitely my bapak's girl. Well you have to be a part of my family to know how I am this useless girl who rely so much on her father. (I'M NOT USELESS BTW) hahaha it's just that I'm so mad because at this age I still rely so much on my parent and the only thing I can contribute is when my dad say " kakak tulung buat kupi " hahaha... or "pigi jaga garai kio niari" from my mom. hohoho.
saya adalah sesimple simple wanita di dunia I rasa lah. hahaha. I LIKE FASHION but I'm just to lazy to dress up. teda motivation. ciacia dia punya tahap tia kisah tu kan to extent where I wore selipar jipun seja pigi uptown in my hometown.. pigi temu. my families all laughed at me. but honestly family. I don't give a damn and I don't care. lepas tu pernah pakai tracksuit jeee pigi ke kelas. and my kwn would complaint "weh Alo*** ko pesal weh.. pakai camni" hahaha. I ckp ja I malas.. and then she sighed. hahahah. relax relax. ada masa saya akan berlawa-lawa juga ba pakai.
not your hipsturrrr kind of friend. I jenisnya duduk rumah main kucing hahaha. jarang p berjalan except I want to laa most of the time I just duduk rumah ja. tinguk tv.. kasi bersih rumah. I prefer kalo mo p bejalan lepak mana mana aja asal makanan sedap. I'm a huge fan of pizza and sushi btw. dan apa apa ja makanan kampung-kampung y sedap2.
btw I memang suka ambi gambar juta berjuta. dalam hp skrg ada lebih dari 2000 +++ gambar. mo dkt 4k juga kali. definitely bukan photographer okay haha. I cuma suka ambi gambar sebgai kenangan dan mo ditinguk bila ada masa. ciaciacia.
PETLOVERS. I'm always curious about kehidupan haiwan k... hahaha. sampaikn kalu saya dilahirkan smula rasanya I want to study very hard so tht I bole bergelar sorang Dr. haiwan berjaya. hihihihihihi. Malangnyaaa ditakdirkn untuk menjadi pengemar saja so okay jaa ba. I memang adore gila gila k dgn animal dan cuma pernah ada 4 jenis pet y pernah sy ada. KUCING hamster Kurakura dan burung malangnya y bertahan cuma kucing. paling banyak kucing sy pernah ada 12 skrg ada 3 seja. TT.
lapas itu kan. okay ini paling sia suka I'm a SKINCARE AFICIONADO. nanti sis update pasal skincare skincare k. I mimang suka sgt pasal product product ni heheheh. I'm not wearing makeup tp sy suka apply skincare in my face. *mo update pasal skincare inda pandai kesampaian. nanti la ba aa sis. hahaha
II ni kan die hard fan butul sama JUNG YONG HWA since 2011111111111111111111111111111111111111. sangat lama suda ba okay... I cuma adore sbb when he's singing on stage omaigod okay he's my boyfie. titik titik. jangan merampas. HAHAHA. and recently sbb tengok #BTGT kan so I pun terminat sgt dengan dia #JIHYUNWOO he is an older men btw 34 y/o okay this is hubbieeee material ciaciaiciaicia. xpayah dramatic sgt ba lek suda I cuma peminat tegar k. biar la ba sia bai. my future someone should know and acknowledge that I'm a die hard fan of these two k.
I have a lot of girl crush. HAHAHAH the one y minat since a very long time already is SEOHYUN snsd. hahahaha. I really like her. shes pretty shes beautiful shes cute and shes everything I like. I love her voice and I love everything about her. k bai, tu ja.
banyak lagi la fact ni tp masa x membenarkan sudah ni i berblog. lebi an hour sda ni. I need to prepare myself cause esok I join aktiviti untuk jadi sukarelawan so yeah bai. Have a good day!