May Allah let us see Ramadhan :)

It is narrated from Imam ar-Ridha’ (a.s): “Verily, the month of Ramadhan is a month in which the holy Qur’an was revealed. It was in this month that the Prophet of Islam was infirmed of being a Prophet. The Night of al-Qadr which is better than one thousand months and therein every matter of ordainments is decreed is in this month


Ramadhan is the holiest month in Islam.. May Allah let us see Ramadhan this year InsyaAllah ( moga banyak lagi ramadhan untuk kita di dunia ameen ) I wanna share something very important and hopefully by bloggin about this it raise my motivation to do well in this coming Ramadhan.. to do some good deeds. I wanna welcome ramadhan this year with purest love and to worship the almighty Allah in the best way. I googled a lot and watched so many you tube video (Islamic lecture) I feel like.. I'm departing from Allah. I feels empty.... there so many reason I don't think it's good to mention it here. that's why I've been wander alot in the virtual world to find some here it is.. it's always work for me btw.

warning : Semua di bawah ni adalah hasil daripada google. Dari segala video dan you tube.. All the kredits goes to the owner. None is mine. I'm just sharing

#1 Wake up
first thing first try to wake up for fajr on time. Baca quran in the morning... before you do anything. Reach to your god first.. Open his book and recite the quran. It will benefits you a lot. From this one video that I watched...  "try to do this and see the difference" you might find your way much clearly than before.. all you urusan dunia will falls nicely and run smoothly. Kuncinya Pray fajr on time.. and worship Allah in the best way.. tunaikan solat-solat sunat.

#2 Seek knowledge
cari laa ilmu agama sebanyak mungkin. It'll help ... knowledge is very important thing in Islam. Ilmu di sini is ilmu agama at least baca lah tafsir.. belajar sikit-sikit pasal agama. I don't know any about ilmu islam all I know is solat... reciting quran and some of the best scholar in Islam and reciting the quran (masi lemah ) so in my judgement.. seek knowledge is to tambah pengetahuan kita tentang islam. Jadinya sesama lah kita bertebaran di dunia Allah untuk mencari ilmu dunia

tips* pernah hamba allah ni pesan to me "If you cannot beat them worldly.. and even if you lose to them in every game... pls ensure to always win when it comes to akhira"

#3 Solat tahhajud
Selagi mampu usahala buat tahajjud. kata penceramah ni setiap urusan akan dipermudahkan Allah. dan tahajjud ni solat sunat yang sangat digalakkan dalam Islam. Semoga dengan istiqomah melakukan solat tahajjud Allah permudahkan urusan dunia akhirat kita.

#4 Dhuha
This is one of the fundamental way to gain rezeki yang sangat berkat dari Allah. Makanya selagi mampu berusaha lah sedaya upaya mungkin untuk menunaikan solat dhuha.

“Rasulullah SAW berwasiat kepadaku tiga perkara agar jangan ditinggalkan puasa tiga hari tiap bulan, dua raka’at Dhuha dan Witir sebelum tidur.”

#5 Berbuat baik lah sesama insan
Selalu lah berbuat baik demi Allah yang maha besar, maha kaya dan maha pemurah. Setiap dari amal kebaikan kita pasti besar di sisi Allah. berbuat baik lah demi TuhanMU.

Semoga sedikit tips ni mampu menyinarkan semula iman yang telah pudar dinodai dosa dosa. Moga dengan hadirnya ramadhan nanti mendekatkan kita lagi dengan sang pencipta.. Semoga hari ni menjadi titik perubahan buat kita semua... semoga ramadhan membuat kita lebih kuat menghadapi dunia dan mencintai Allah.

Selamat Malam.


( A sinner)